Radical Seeker book website below.

Posted in Uncategorized on December 30, 2018 by david1963

Uncover hidden truths ~ Eliminate needless suffering.



This is an excerpt from the book: RADICAL SEEKER

Posted in Uncategorized on December 14, 2018 by david1963

Awaken to His Resurrection He is within you!

Surrendering to the Holy Spirit is acquired by the process of the Atonement. As a follower of Jesus He is our Guide. We hear Him through the Holy Spirit.

Here is a passage from a children’s nursery rhyme The Velveteen Rabbit by Margery Williams talking about the Atonement process. She uses the word Real in place of Atonement:

“Does it hurt?” asked the Rabbit.
“Sometimes,” said the Skin Horse, for he was always truthful. “When you are Real, you don’t mind being hurt.”
“Does it happen all at once, like being wound up,” he asked, “or bit by bit?”
“It doesn’t happen all at once,” said the Skin Horse.
“You become. It takes a long time. That’s why it doesn’t often happen to people who break easy, or have sharp edges, or have to be carefully kept. Generally, by the time you are Real, most of your hair has…

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the great bamboozlement

Posted in Jesus Christ on October 19, 2018 by david1963

When you realize WHAT the GREAT BAMBOOZLEMENT is, you realize why they tried to silence God in the form of Jesus Christ. The Great Bamboozlement is simply, you are not a body. We have been taught generationally that we are bodies that will someday have to die. . . Just not today.😲

To be bamboozled is to be hoodwinked. To be hoodwinked is to be fooled. Jesus Christ called the man who plans for his future a fool. If the greatest teacher that ever lived told us that planning for our future is not sane, but foolish, why do we INSIST on doing it?
The simple answer is: Fear, stemming from the fear of our creative Source.

What the “rich fool” was afraid of was God Himself. Had he not feared God he would have known his Father. God is Spirit. We are His children, in spirit, not in flesh and bone. The rich fool spoken of in the Master’s parable blindly believed that he was flesh and bone living in a material world. Jesus Christ teaches HIS DISCIPLES to renounce the world. He teaches us that as long as time lasts in your mind you will be in the world, BUT DO NOT BE OF IT. It is temporary, it is short lived, it is not permanent.

This world is a death trap with the current CORE BELIEF that you are a body. We will now re-visit the quote from Frantz Fanon in response to CORE BELIEFS. “Sometimes people hold a CORE BELIEF that is very strong. When they are
presented with evidence that works against that belief, the new
evidence cannot be accepted. It would create a feeling that is
extremely uncomfortable, called cognitive dissonance. And because it
is so important to protect the CORE BELIEF, they will Rationalize,
Ignore and even Deny ANYTHING that doesn’t fit in with the CORE BELIEF.”

Jesus Christ is the deathless Master, He is the Son of God, He is the Prophesied Messiah. And He was TELLING the Sanhedrin that they had in fact been bamboozled via a CORE BELIEF, by man, into believing in the god of war and death taught about in the “five scrolls.”

The RADICAL SEEKER for the Risen Christ quickly realizes that Jesus Christ is within their consciousness as the Holy Spirit in a very literal sense. Helping them out of this impermanent “hell.” S0, recognizing this, the god of death refered to in the law, who reins down fire on an evil world, becomes a ridiculous concept to continue to exalt as real.

The Sanhedrin who surrendered to the nonviolent teachings of Jesus Christ as a method of attaining the “deathless”  Promised Land, reached the Promised Land that was refered to in the law or “five scrolls.” They knew, like Nicodemus and Saul of Tarsus after him, that the law was now void. The Messiah as promised, had arrived! They no longer needed “purse nor script.”

We as modern day Christians MUST bring CHRIST BACK into the “organized church”, or face the anguish of death and “spiritual doom” that Dr. Martin Luther King Jr spoke about, and surrendered his life early for us to realize.

You do not need to believe in reincarnation. However, note; the ancient Christians accepted the doctrine of reincarnation until 553 AD at the second council of Constantinople where it was rejected by early church father’s as giving the disciples of Jesus Christ “too much time.” When you realize by accepting the Atonement that death is a monumental farce, you want to SEE your Savior, Jesus Christ NOW, “not die and come back.”

The problem the modern day bible believing “king James Christians” have is, they don’t believe that Jesus Christ can hear them. They think, because they were taught to blindly believe that, “He is in an after death heaven awaiting my arrival; after I suffer and die, BECAUSE I was a horrible sinner deserving only death.”  If it wasn’t so insane it would be laughable.

The great bamboozlement is reflected in all areas of this life. Christians taking up arms and going to war against an enemy is the epitome of spiritual confusion. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr spoke about total global disarmament. Eventually reaching local law enforcement agencies. Imagine a time when local police officers will no longer carry guns, and you begin to glimpse the “Promised Land” as was SEEN by the Love Revolutionary, Dr. MARTIN LUTHER KING JR.

We have had no better lover of our Father’s “created-MANKIND” than that of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. He put Jesus Christ to the test as all disciples do. And never found himself wanting. If we will begin to seek for the resurrected Jesus Christ within, as Dr. Martin Luther King Jr did, we too will begin to understand that Dr. Martin Luther King Jr is a disciple of Jesus Christ, a modern day prophet, and a Minister of God.

Something must go on inside you that says, this world just ain’t fun no more, BEFORE you will truly seek for the Risen Jesus Christ. He becomes Savior of the world for you through the PRACTICAL APPLICATION of His nonviolent teachings. We do this in order to remember OUR Father and experience the Kingdom of Heaven.

We all need a REASON to do something before we will do it. I can think of no better REASON to live, than to love one another for the sole purpose of experiencing Eternal Life, WITHOUT the interruption of death. YOU CANNOT DIE! Now is the time to figure that out, and not wasting time being a rich fool planning for an imaginative “rainy day.”

In conclusion, we must follow someone who got to where we are going before we will ever get to where we want to be. For us, this SOMEONE is Dr. Martin Luther King Jr and his CHRIST FOUNDED NONVIOLENT TEACHINGS.
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr knew what Jesus Christ TAUGHT before him, and that was, UNCONDITIONAL FORGIVENESS and NONVIOLENCE was the path to redemption and spiritual emancipation from this world of sin and eventually death.

When war ends in our mind and love begins, what need do we have for prison and prisoners; “good guys and bad guys?” What is crime to a Son or Daughter of God who has the knowledge of Eternal Life, without the possibility of death; AND, who is no longer planning for his own comfort, protection or enjoyment in someway?  For they live day to day doing the will of their heavenly Father planning for nothing, in need of nothing, free.

Ask only of the Holy Spirit, what would you have me do today? Do not doubt, LEARN TO LISTEN.
The Holy Spirit is not an imagery FRIEND. He is your SPIRITUAL GUIDE sent by OUR Father to Guide us out of this made up hell, and back to the heaven that was created for us.

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr is our most recent EXAMPLE sent to follow Home. He knows the way, and he knows how to get us there.

Nonviolence is our last resort.

You were not born to die A RADICAL SEEKER excerpt

Posted in Jesus, Jesus Christ, Paramahansa Yogananda on October 8, 2018 by david1963
At the outset we must realize that we have only ONE FATHER and He is Spirit, not flesh and bone as we currently see ourselves.
The teachings of Jesus Christ CANNOT MAKE SENSE to those who cannot begin to CONCEIVE of THEMSELVES AS SPIRIT. His teachings are FOOLISHNESS to “the flesh”, the ego, and to this world. This is being stated at the outset so there is NO CONFUSION as to “who dies” when a death occurs. You will NEVER die, it is ALWAYS “someone else” who dies, and this frightens the ego into BLINDLY BELIEVING in death. The “blind eyes” now think they see.

Thus, our fear of God and the afterlife. We make up after-death beliefs BECAUSE we fear God AND death. Blindly believing that our Father created death. Life is Eternal and is not interrupted by death. God would be cruel if death were real.

It’s extremely frightening to believe that your creative source, “Our Father in Heaven” made a world where you have to someday die before you can experience Eternal Life. Jesus Christ PROVED to HIS DISCIPLES that death was a farce. The modern day Christian church believes that Salvation is salvation from the angry god of hellfire, and his everlasting torment. And they conceive that their beliefs can “save them” from him. (Hence, different denominations have different “beliefs.”)
“Hellfire” becomes a childish nightmare when you realize Jesus Christ RESURRECTED! and Salvation is SALVATION FROM a physical death and not an “eternal oven.” He did not save us from the angry despot god of hellfire, that god does not exist except in the minds of the sleeping children of God. Our Father does not punish His children for their lack of Spiritual knowledge.

Jesus Christ showed HIS DISCIPLES the power unconditional forgiveness has over our blind belief in death, BECAUSE we are Spirit. If we will UNCONDITIONALLY FORGIVE everyone all the time, the Holy Spirit WILL RENEW OUR MIND to an awareness that we have ONE FATHER Who is Spirit and that we also are Eternal Spirits.

If your true Father is Spirit what must you be?

Remember what was written at the outset, the teachings of Jesus Christ NOT UNDERSTOOD sound like madness. The Kingdom of God is within you just as it was recorded by Dr. Luke in the seventeenth chapter of verses twenty and twenty-one of his memoirs. Dr. Luke tells us Jesus is TELLING the religious establishment at that time that they had it ALL wrong. What they were looking for, “the promised land of Moses”, was within them, and It was not acquired after a physical bodily death.

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. TOLD US the same thing Jesus Christ was TELLING the Sanhedrin when He said, “I saw the Promised Land!” IT IS WITHIN You!

Death becomes spiritually flawed for MANY REASONS when one realizes for themselves that the Kingdom of God is in fact within themselves. Our Father is Spirit. Therefore we are Spirit. Jesus Christ represented the Father and the Son when He was made flesh and dwelt among us. He came to prove to an oppressed generation that death was not of God, but of a sleeping Adam. A deep sleep fell on Adam but never does “the law” tell us that he woke up.

We sleep and dream that someday we will have to die like “every-BODY” else does. This is not the truth. Death is really nothing more than a false belief that tomorrow is real. We must begin to think differently, or “repent”, if we are to See the Kingdom that Jesus Christ told us 2000 years ago, was “at hand!”

Only “rich-fools” blindly believe in a tomorrow. Luke 12:13-21.

We must change the purpose of the world for ourselves. The purpose MUST BECOME to See the resurrected Jesus Christ before we “die” not after. If we have any other purpose we are wasting time. Not that time is our enemy. Time is not our enemy but if we waste it, it is not our friend. We must die to the belief that this would is our eternal home. Our Home is where OUR FATHER is. And Jesus Christ TOLD US that His Kingdom was within us!

How can we see and experience the resurrection of Jesus Christ now? This must be asked by every RADICAL SEEKER who has begun to think for themselves without generational family beliefs interfering with Seeing Jesus Christ. If His disciples saw Him after the crucifixion over 2000 years ago, why would He delay His second coming for His “modern day” disciples? Short answer, He doesn’t. We MUST FOLLOW AND PRACTICE HIS TEACHINGS, TO KNOW HIM!!

 “Depart from me I never knew you, you workers of inequality” is reserved for those who do not try and love as He Loved Us. Get this: Christians have no enemies, they only “believe” they do. If you believe that you have an enemy you have formed a false belief about what it means to be Christ-like.

Jesus Christ is OUR EXAMPLE. We have modern day disciples who can disciple us, and one of them is the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. He walked the Christian walk. He was “Christ-like.” This made him able to change the course of history.

There is a psychological change that takes place when we surrender the belief in flesh and bone in favor of accepting; “I am spirit just like my Father.” This psychological change results in a more peaceful existence. You still see the world outside as ever changing, but WITHIN You, your peace abides in the Awareness of Christ and in awaiting His second coming. This only sounds foolish to a world where greed and war is common place. And this religious bigotry is propagated by world rulers who believe in division for monetary gain, never considering the lives they inflict with monumental suffering by their lack of faith in God, OUR FATHER.

The Apostle Paul tells us He died to Christ daily and to fight the good fight until Christ appears. This is not “after physical death language”, it is real time. Meaning, Jesus Christ didn’t leave us alone. That’s a lie of the devil, and you can KNOW the truth that sets you free if you are willing to Love as Jesus Christ loved us. We MUST learn how to love this way. We love as Jesus Christ loved us by implementing HIS teachings and putting them into PRATICAL APPLICATION in our own lives. We do this by willingly getting alone and going within in silence (prayer/meditation) seeking out the Holy Spirit within the mind; This results in you/us/we Loving yOur Lord yOur God with All yOur heart mind and soul. BY (asking for guidance) and loving your neighbor as your self, you will THEN SEE His Hand in your life by the miraculous events that begin to transpire in your experience, Luke 10:26-28.

 *There also comes a peace that surpasses all intellectual understanding, Philippians 4:7-9.
The second coming of Jesus is the Awareness of Christ within the Kingdom of God. The Kingdom of God IS within you. Luke 17.

Pray that the second coming comes soon.

Jesus Christ never promised a resurrection as a worldly spectacle.
If that was the case, Jesus Christ would have went to Cesar Augustus palace and not Mary Magdalene’s house.
*Philippians 4:7-9 The Message (MSG)“Don’t fret or worry. Instead of worrying, pray. Let petitions and praises shape your worries into prayers, letting God know your concerns. Before you know it, a sense of God’s wholeness, everything coming together for good, will come and settle you down. It’s wonderful what happens when Christ displaces worry at the center of your life. Summing it all up, friends, I’d say you’ll do best by filling your minds and meditating on things true, noble, reputable, authentic, compelling, gracious—the best, not the worst; the beautiful, not the ugly; things to praise, not things to curse. Put into practice what you learned from me, what you heard and saw and realized. Do that, and God, who makes everything work together, will work you into his most excellent harmonies.”

the goal of truth requires faith

Posted in Jesus Christ on October 1, 2018 by david1963

Faith is contained in the acceptance of the Holy Spirits purpose, and this faith is all-inclusive. If the goal is the truth, not believed in but KNOWN, you MUST have faith. Do not Listen to the doubting ego, that’s faithlessness and not worthy of a child of the Almighty God of Heaven!

The disciple of Jesus Christ, through putting His nonviolent teachings into PRACTICAL APPLICATION in their own life, comes to a stage in his or her spiritual development or REALIZATION, whereas you SEE, that there is nothing in this world that is FOREVER. Beliefs notwithstanding. Our generational beliefs can never save us, only Jesus Christ will do that.

This REALIZATION teaches us that ALL our BELIEFS about this world are nothing more than an attempt to HIDE from our FEAR of God. The fear of your Creative Source is the REASON for conceptualized beliefs about the afterlife. They “protect” us from God. The insanity of having to protect ourselves from God must be fully recognized and accepted if we are to make continual progress in our prodigal march home to OUR Fathers House.

The fear of God produces the insanity of anger. Anger is an “animal instinct” designed for protection against a perceived enemy. Animals do not become the children of God as referred to in John 1:12 as the disciples of Jesus Christ do. Therefore, all perceived anger in yourself or another, MUST be seen as a call for help and FORGIVEN. If you will have a willingness to forgive YOURSELF AND ALL OTHERS, the Holy Spirit will place your offering of forgiveness on the altar of God for you. You will then receive the peace you offered to your brother.

The Holy Spirit is your right mind. He is the Messenger of God sent by our Savior Jesus Christ. We must learn to listen to Him.

Resist not evil with evil but with its opposite, LOVE! Forgiveness restores LOVE which IS Sanity. We are one with everything we see. Unknown by us. “Death” is a faulty processing system of thoughts due to our fear of God. When we fear God we see what is not there to see. Thus, “ye are blind.”

Vision is restored through the Atonement process. It’s a process of unconditional forgiveness until you realize the process is over, and you have been forgiven by Jesus Christ and His Father.
Jesus Christ Atoned for our guilty feelings. This means we have nothing in our past to be sorry about. The “future” mistakes have also have been covered by our Saviors Atonement. He realizes that we are living in a “past” dream of sin and death that He Atoned for on Golgotha over 2000 years ago.

Do not be deceived any longer about the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. He was TELLING the religious establishment of His day that they were not bodies but spirits, AND that they were under NO “LAWS” but His Fathers. The Sanhedrin feared and resented His wisdom, both, because He did not bow to their generational beliefs in the Pentateuch or “five scrolls.”

Jesus Christ gives us lighting fast enlightenment, which is salvation, if we will acknowledge HIS PRESENCE within the Kingdom of God, our Mind. To continue to move at a snail’s pace towards salvation is no longer necessary. His Holy Spirit is within us in a very literal sense. We as Christians make His Presence real to us by faith that He did in fact resurrect to the Kingdom of God and Heaven. This faith in the Holy Spirit of Jesus Christ is translated into tangible experiences that can be termed miracles. Proving to the disciple, that their Savior has Risen.

We are not alone. He is with us. When we KNOW THIS truth, it sets us free!

Imagine for a moment having a TRUE REALIZATION WITHIN you that JESUS CHRIST HAS RESURRECTED, is Helping you, and you begin to understand the CONFUSION caused by blindly believing that Jesus Christ is in “outer” space somewhere.

We need to understand how our generational family beliefs have handicapped us before we can make true progress in our awakening to the resurrected Jesus Christ. The ascension can be speeded along if we will have faith that our Savior hears our requests, And LISTENS! Our part is simply to unconditionally forgive what appears to be a hellish world operating outside our own thoughts.

Unconditional forgiveness in thought is how we signal to the Holy Spirit; “I am not afraid to see my risen Savior Jesus Christ.” The only REASON for the RADICAL SEEKER to be in a body is to transcend the belief that the body is who you are. The fear we feel in questioning our generational CORE BELIEFS concerning death and the “afterlife”, is brought about by years of subjection to a personal system of judgment that Jesus Christ termed, “hell.” Heaven is a system of thinking whereas judging another by their race or religion is blasphemous. Blasphemous because it is anti Christ.

Judging anyone is to be dishonest to them, and you. To judge anyone sanely we would have to be omnipotent. Meaning, we would have to know past, present, and future, AND how our judgmental decision would affect eternity. Any son of man who claimed this insight would be suffering from a grandiose delusional fantasy. However, the Holy Spirit will judge for you if you will suspend judgment and offer Him your willingness to “make it right.” Not obedience to the Holy Spirit. Obedience is oppression and the Holy Spirit oppress no one. Suspended judgment is offered through your willingness to forgive.

Our Father awaits our home-coming while we banter back and forth to one another about who has the Truth! If we have one Father and He is 100% Spirit. How can anyone know they have the “Truth” for certain unless they contact Him? IF the Kingdom of God is within you and you can know it, why would you waste time and valuable energy, looking outside yourself?

We are afraid of OUR FATHER due to a generational CORE BELIEF in the god of death. You can sigh and laugh when once you realize that the god of death has been a fictional character in Adams dream, where his Father kicked him out paradise. God change His Mind about His children? Hardly!

The mind sees. And if it’s blinded by war, racial or religious bigotry, or the fear of God, then it is asleep. And our Father God will appear insane to you, and the god of death will continue to be idolized by this world.

No body has ever “died” in eternity. Only while in time could such a farce be tolerated. Time is the medium that our Father is Now using to awaken us from the sleep of Adam. Before time began in Adams mind, only eternity was experienced. Time is relative. Meaning, what you “do” affects time as you experience it. For example, when we are having fun time appears to be accelerated in our mind; whereas, if we are afraid or not having fun time appears to decelerate or drag out.

SEEING requires that WE ALLOW the Holy Spirit to HEAL OUR MIND away from judgment and fear of any kind. Judgment is an attempt to separate ourselves from others. However, the “Others” are one with you in truth.

Prayer is required for a situation to change. But you must allow SOMETHING TO HAPPEN. Prayer will bring the RIGHT ANSWER and you don’t know the right answer, only the Holy Spirit knows the right answer. Step back now and let Him direct the course of events in your life and you will stay on the right path.

The path stays clearly lit by unconditional forgiveness and brotherly love for OUR KIND!
Forgive past hurts by surrendering them to the Holy Spirit for healing. Jesus knows our suffering. He’s been with the Jew-Muslim-Christian-Hindu-Buddhist since time began. Every world religion has a place of worship for the Christian Jesus. The Christ. The Savior. The Son of God!

The Son of God cannot come to a world in conflict. A Christian world in conflict is not a generation awaiting His second coming. Their lamps have no oil.  If Jesus Christ walked into your church, mosque, synagogue, ashram, or temple today, would you recognize Him? Do you know Him? Have you, like Dr. Martin Luther King Jr before us, heard His Voice?

He is our Shepard. We are His sheep. Foolishness? I suppose it would be, but ONLY to a world gone mad for war.
The Shepherd is where the sheep are. The sheep don’t continue to sleep, they awaken when they hear His Voice.

We must spend as must time as we can LISTENING, WATCHING, AND WAITING for our Saviors return.

Pray that the second coming comes soon!

Be Ready!

Christians must heal the world through LOVE!

Posted in addiction, dream, enlightenment, fear, forgiveness, God, hell fire, Jesus, Jesus Christ, lake of fire, money, salvation, stress on September 26, 2018 by david1963
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“A TIME COMES WHEN SILENCE IS BETRAYAL.” Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. spoke these words in a sermon entitled Beyond Vietnam in New York city on April 4, 1967. He was telling the American people that it is not easy as the truth descends upon your non violent mind and you realize the mysterious nature of our existence to tell others that they have been misguided by generations of  “false understandings” based on misdirected generational CORE BELIEFS.
 Here is link to his entire prophetic message: https://kinginstitute.stanford.edu/king-papers/documents/beyond-vietnam

We are using for this writing Dr. Kings opening line, A TIME COMES WHEN SILENCE IS BETRAYAL, to shine light on another misunderstanding of the Christian gospel. The Christian gospel or “good news”, is not to experience Jesus Christ after we die a bodily death. But it is instead to See Jesus Christ before we die, as was recorded in the “acts and memoirs” of the Apostles. We as Christians who have begun to unconditionally forgive thus “love our enemies”, COME TO UNDERSTAND that silence about the resurrection of Jesus Christ is to betray Him. We betray Him unconsciously by judging others and harboring enemies. We have NO enemies, just spiritual brothers and sisters. We are as Dr. King teaches us, one MANKIND.

Paul tells us in this passage of Ephesians that as we begin to let Jesus Christ awaken us from the sleep of Adam the mysteries of God are revealed to us, HIS DISCIPLES. 
“And so here I am, preaching and writing about things that are way over my head, the inexhaustible riches and generosity of Christ. My task is to bring out in the open and make plain what God, who created all this in the first place, has been doing in secret and behind the scenes all along. Through followers of Jesus like yourselves gathered in churches, this extraordinary plan of God is becoming known and talked about even among the angels!”  Ephesians 3:9-10 The Message (MSG)

The “Great Commission” as disclosed to His disciples 2000 years ago could be restated in modern English without translations and concordances’, simply as: Go tell everyone I AM HERE. As you now know I have resurrected from the crucifixion and OUR Father has given me all authority in heaven and earth. BUT you, MY DISCIPLES, MUST OBEY EVERYTHING that I have commanded that you do in order to KNOW this truth that sets you free. Ask anything of OUR Father in my name according to His will, and you shall receive the thing asked for. I will be with you until I AWAKEN YOU from the “sleep of Adam”, so be of good cheer.

There is no doubt that our world is dying. It is dying because of our betrayal to follow the commandments or teachings of Jesus Christ Himself. When He commands HIS DISCIPLES to LOVE THY ENEMIES, and we don’t! The authority OUR Father gave OUR Savior Jesus Christ on our behalf, is usurped by our unwillingness to love one another. Thus, our mind remains split between love and fear. We fear those whom we judge, and we will love those to whom we forgive.

We are told to make disciples to make disciples, not war. But you must be a disciple to be able to disciple. If you think war is acceptable in any form, you PRECLUDE from YOURSELF the awareness of the Kingdom of Heaven refered to by Dr. King 50 years ago as, “the promised land.” The Holy Spirits Voice appears silent to those who love war.

There is an experience that comes with putting into PRACTICAL APPLICATION the teachings of Jesus Christ. This experience is the awareness that He did in fact resurrect to the Kingdom of God, and He NEVER Left Us alone.

Dr. King teaches us that the church MUST usher in the second coming of Jesus Christ THROUGH nonviolence.  The political systems of this world are ill equipped and unable to do the SPIRITUAL THINGS REQUIRED for emancipation from war and violence to the awareness of Eternal Life. But the church is equipped! We have the needed written word, now we need to put His teachings into PRACTICAL APPLICATION in our lives to see and experience a peace of mind that surpasses all intellectual understanding.

As the church or BODY OF CHRIST begins its prodigal walk back home, OUR Father sees “us” from a far off, and prepares for our arrival. When war ends in the disciples mind, it sees no more homeless brothers and sisters. It sees no addicted brothers and sisters. And it certainly does not see any more veteran suicides. IT SEES instead the “Promised Land” spoken about by Moses 3500 years ago, which Dr. King told us about as recently as ONLY 50 YEARS AGO!

“I may not get their with you!”, was our brother Martin telling us, DON’T GIVE UP!!; I Have SEEN the Promised Land! And Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ lives!


sanity is restored by peace

Posted in addiction, anxiety, devil, dreaming, Ego, enlightenment, fear, forgiveness, Hope, Jesus, Jesus Christ, lake of fire, Matthew 10 NIV, meditation, money, Paramahansa, Paramahansa Yogananda, Paul of Tarsus, salvation, seeker, Spirit, spiritual, Yogananda on September 13, 2018 by david1963
“Let not a man glory in this, that he love his country; Let him rather glory in this, that he love his kind.” ~Persian proverb

“Keep your sanity, for all that take up the sword shall perish with the sword.” ~Jesus Christ (He was telling Peter, “FORGIVE! “)

“The more weapons of violence, the more misery to mankind,” Lao-tzu taught. “The triumph of violence ends in a festival of morning.”

“Resort to force in the Great War (I) failed to bring tranquility.” Franklin D. Roosevelt pointed out. “Victory and defeat were alike sterile. That lesson the world should have learned.”

Nonviolence is the natural result of forgiveness and love. Unconditional forgiveness restores sanity by restoring love. Forgiveness and gentleness are the qualities of the disciples of Jesus Christ. They come to be the representatives of eternal virtue.
In Matthew 5:38-39 Jesus Christ is instructing His disciples on His expectations for them. Resist not evil [ with evil ]: Unconditionally forgive them (your enemies) so much after they have smite (strike with a firm blow) you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also.

There are REASONS enlightened men and women taught nonviolence. Because our Father in heaven supports it!! Think, is it sane to send children overseas to kill people? Can a Christian kill someone, or send someone else to kill someone for them and enter into eternal peace? A disciple of Jesus Christ makes a U turn the moment he or she realizes for themselves, by THINKING FOR THEMSELVES, that they have been generationally bamboozled.

The Kingdom of Heaven and eternal life can only be attained through peace and love. Hate and strife are concepts blindly believed in by those among us who have not yet realized, war is insanity. A disciple of Jesus Christ has given up trying to be right at the cost of being happy. The juice was just no longer worth the squeeze. Happiness is not obtained by intellectual superiority. Happiness results from a calm peaceful mind at rest knowing that the Savior Jesus Christ resurrected 2000 years ago, and He NEVER LEFT US ALONE!

We are psychologically insane if we continue to blindly believe that we can support or finance war and ever see Jesus Christ in person. He stays hidden from a mind not willing to follow His commandment to love one another. Not because He is hiding. But because you fear Him. You, for whom you would attack you fear. Enemies are feared before they are attacked. Jesus Christ stands unseen and unknown behind every set of eyes you encounter. This is unknown to a mind hell bent on war.

We must all become prodigal sons and think for a moment, in my Father’s house no body went to war. The church based on the king James version is of no use to humanity if it does not repent of war, and RETURN TO CHRIST. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr told us that a country in a continual war, is headed for “spiritual doom.”

We are helpless without God. And yes this war-ing generation is “doomed” unless it asks for Gods help. You need a spiritual component to end war, and God is That Spiritual component. The best human endeavor is of no effect without Gods blessing behind it. Prayer is a call to sanity. It is a call to self-purification, to an inward search.

We must not peer out on a world with blind eyes to find fault in others. We must instead look within ourselves, without guilt and condemnation, (Jesus Christ Atoned for those), and find out what’s keeping ME FROM HEAVEN? Fruit of the spirit is acquired through understanding, and a WILLINGNESS to change long held generational family beliefs if they conflict with experience. Experience is the “grader” of your beliefs. If your beliefs are real and based in truth then your faith proves it TO YOU. If your BELIEFS however are FALSE, then there is NO EXPERIENCE.

“Except you see signs and wonders you will not believe.” ~Jesus Christ.

 Faith in something, anything, without an experience, is a dead religion. A religion is a method of obtaining something of value. In the case of the teachings of Jesus Christ, the something of value is the awareness of ETERNAL LIFE. The method or “religion” of Jesus Christ is unconditional forgiveness, 70X7. The results are more convincing than the words, and can only come about by putting the teachings of Jesus Christ into PRACTICAL APPLICATION in your life. No one can eat your food for you. No one can experience the resurrection except you.

Mahatma Gandhi stated in his doctrine these words about the non violent alternatives to armed might. “I have found that life persists in the midst of destruction. Therefore there must be a higher law than that of destruction. Only under that law would well-ordered society be intelligible and life worth living. Wherever there are wars, wherever we are confronted with an opponent, conquer them with love. It takes a fairly strenuous course of training to attain a mental state of nonviolence. It is a disciplined life, like the life of a soldier. The perfect state is reached only when the mind, body, and speech are in proper coordination.
Every problem would lend itself to solution if we determined to make the law of truth and nonviolence the law of life.”

Peace of mind is the goal of the curriculum outlined by Jesus Christ to His disciples. Loving thy enemies is at the CORE of the program. Simply because, WE HAVE NO ENEMIES. Peace will come to your mind by your willingness to forgive and no longer judge “your” enemies. You were created “enemy-less” but insisted on your own autonomy. This self government being unreal, (“which was made real, by having enemies”), is you’re doing, not Gods.

The self governing ego, in an attempt to usurp the power of God, made for itself enemies by judging our Father’s creation as imperfect. Imperfection is of man not God. God created His Creation in His Image, and man made his world in his image.

The world you see is an imagery state of being. Imagery because, the future has always been 100% imagined! Time is an imaginative concept believed to be true by the sons and daughters of man, but in reality time does not exist at all except for in a mind asleep. We don’t have mental peace 24/7 because we are afraid. But what we fear does not exist, no one understands this except for the disciples of Jesus Christ who have chosen love over fear. Jesus Christ will PROVE fear to be false if we will unconditionally forgive everyone in an attempt to love them.

God was not insane at the time of creation, creating war-ing peoples. War is the outcrop of psychological oppression brought about by generations of Christians who believe it is OK to harm their enemies. War, and all the ideas surrounding war are insane to a disciple of the risen Jesus Christ. The wounding of others in thought, feeling, word, or deed is incomprehensible to one who wants to see Jesus Christ for themselves.

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr tells us that if a Christian continues to blindly believe that war is tolerable, he or she is headed for a spiritual catastrophe. The spiritual catastrophe for the king James Christians is never being able to see OR hear their Savior. We “work inequalities” when we do not follow His teachings. Jesus Christ tells us that our actions of love “should talk”; like He demonstrated, under far less extreme circumstances.

When we are upset or angry at Anyone for Anything, and do not pray and call on the Holy Spirit of Jesus Christ for “assistance”, we are the workers of inequality, or bias. (Bias is prejudice in favor of or against one thing, person, or group compared with another, usually in a way considered to be unfair).

In closing, Now is the time for the disciples of Jesus Christ to contact Him, and not after a future perceived “physical ruin.” All our “after death beliefs” are NOTHING, just thoughts.

 When we turn from our evil thoughts, and realize that we are spirit not matter, but actual vibrating “Lights of creation” perceived as energy, death will become again an absurd formulation of thought no longer entertained as reasonable. We will remember what we once knew before time began in our mind, and that is: that we are in fact the invulnerable Children of God, deathless and incapable of harm.

The obsession for death

Posted in addiction, anxiety, dream, enlightenment with tags on August 28, 2018 by david1963

The belief in death has cost you your life.

The obsession FOR death has created the obsession OF death. The blind belief in death at all is the reason for the limiting “enlightenment” that some sons of man appear to have “obtained.”

Death is the external search outside ourselves for only what can be found within our mind. The mind is Gods Kingdom. It appears to have been overrun by an opposing force that has been termed ego. The ego is the persona made by this world. The persona that has CHOSEN to awaken from the dream of sin and death, will awaken.

Gods Kingdom cannot be assailed by the egos belief in death by eyes that do not see and have been blind from birth. Instead, turn sharply within and “ask” to See the risen Christ within you, and you will no longer fear death or its calls to violence for “protection.”

“Love they enemies!” At all cost is not to turn in fear or hate from them, but to instead ask the Holy Spirit to heal your mind of the blind belief that a loving God could have created enemies, or death.
Understand, disciples of Jesus Christ, you cannot and will not ever enter into the kingdom of heaven Jesus Christ taught about, and gave His life for while you still believe that the Muslims are your enemies and you continue to send your countries children to go kill them.

Look at the results… THIRTY A DAY returning “war hero’s” are killing themselves and we have more “addict’s” than ever in the recorded history of man. Sodom and Gomorrah was more self loving than that of this current generation. Think not what you are reading is some sort of spiritual hoax. It is a wake up call to the teacher’s of the Father God of Jesus Christ.

Jesus Christ is here, and He is “hear” now. He is not dead and in a heaven in outer space. You have unlimited inner space within the Kingdom of God. The problem stems from your “blind belief” in limitations. Belief makes something, anything real in your mind, until the belief that fostered it is changed. Mohammad Ali’s long time business manager Dr. Mahdi has a quote that personifies false beliefs. He says, “nothing is more spiritually elevating than to realize a cherished belief is wrong.”

Beliefs make reality as you personally experience it. For example when you no longer believe in death and have accepted the Atonement of Jesus Christ, you will then realize that death was a false belief. Until then, you stay in hell, and Fear is hell.

Straw wars, straw sickness, and straw death are all attempts by the persona to be right instead of happy. Happiness comes ultimately from the understanding that you cannot die and do not need to prepare or protect yourself from death.

By His stripes we were healed 2000 years ago. All sickness today is a defense, by the persona, against the truth. The truth being that you cannot be sick you only believe that you can. Of course this is nonsensical foolishness to generations who have been taught and believes that it can kill its enemies and enter heaven afterwards. Never will man know or understand Jesus Christ’s inference refered to in John 1:12, until they unconditionally forgive all that have ever harmed them.

Forgiveness is the key to understanding eternal life. Forgiveness enlightens the Kingdom of God whereas judgment darkens the awareness of the Light. The Light of the world, Christian, Muslim, and Jew, is the resurrected Christ within the Kingdom of God. To know this is to have accepted the Atonement for yourself and have lost the fear to See Jesus by losing the power to wound others.

It is recorded in the book of the Acts of the Apostles that in the upper room where His true disciples met, He made Himself known to them as having resurrected from the crucifixion. His body healed and only the holes in His hands remained to prove to doubting Thomas that it was in fact their Risen Savior.

Why would not the deathless savior of the world reveal Himself to His true disciples today as He did over 2000 years ago? The answer is simply that He Will. When we have renounced this world entirely through REASON, and BY the Atonement process, we will no longer be afraid of God or His chosen savior Jesus Christ of Nazareth!

Brother, He never left. He is waiting within the Kingdom of God for your renunciation of death and your belief IN eternal life. We renounce death through unconditional empathy, which is very different from guilt and codependency. Unconditional empathy is forgiveness in action which produces a healing within the mind of the disciple. Unconditional forgiveness 70×7 restores sanity by dissolving the guilt that produced the insanity.

Guilt is taken out on the body by a mind at war with itself. You are the mind pretending to be a body that needs things. You need nothing except the restoration of sanity and deathlessness which is freely given all who forgive, thus love everyone.

The mind sees, not the eyes. The eyes project an image on the screen that we call life. Never having been taught oneness, the mind does not understand or accept its completeness, thus thinking what it sees is separate from what it thinks. (Like the frightened kitten who sees its reflection in the mirror for the first time and jumps straight up in the air.) From this confusion comes the belief that we must plan for our own comfort, protection, or enjoyment in some way. Because, being separate from what we see we cannot trust it. This is the persona’s reasoning because it has never made an attempt at unconditional loving everyone through a fearless radical unconditional forgiveness as was displayed by our savior 2000 years ago.

Saint Dr. Martin Luther King Jr demonstrated that by unconditionally forgiving his sick white brothers and sisters he could alter events in his outer world.
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr used the power of God through the PRACTICAL APPLICATION of the teachings of Jesus Christ to alter his personal experience of life, with a POSITIVE impact. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr personified egolessness by emulating his saviors non violent approach to oppression of any kind. Resist not evil, forgive the evil thoughts and the Holy Spirit of the resurrected Jesus Christ will awaken an awareness in you and others that has been described as a peace that surpasses all intellectual understanding.

Let the dead bury the dead is a  command to His disciples. It is a call for sanity of the mind. God the Father of Jesus Christ did not create death. Death is a figment of imaginary thought projected to a future time and space that has not yet occurred, but BLINDLY believing that it will occur. The magnitude of the insanity of such a belief in (death) cannot be truly grasped until the Atonement has been accepted wholly.
Then death is seen as nothing more than a future false belief an discarded. “Others” have died in the past, BUT YOU HAVE NOT, NOR CAN YOU! This understanding results in a new vision that Jesus Christ and His disciples experienced as “heavenly.” Heaven is a state of consciousness that can be described as “enemyless.” An enemyless mind is an innocent free mind, a childlike mind.

The blind belief that you are a body that must someday die is the nest of all your troubles. This accounts for all the charlatans and false teachers. If they knew they were blind they would seek for the Light within and quit teaching death.
“When you believe in things that you don’t understand, you suffer.” Mr.Wonder.

In closing,Think of Jesus Christ for a moment as a Beautiful Glorified Butterfly, talking to a bunch of angry caterpillars who never heard of a cocoon and telling them that they can someday fly, and you can begin to grasp why it has taken over 2000 years for the eternal life ministry of Jesus Christ to catch on to the believers in the angry god of death.

“ye are gods!” WAS the savior of the world telling the caterpillar sons of man that they had it all wrong. He was tortured for heresy and crucified for blaspheming the god of the Torah, (the first five books of king James o.t.).
Jesus Christ starting premise was eternal life, and theirs was to prove Him wrong.

“The yearning for our lost perfection, the urge to do and be that which is the noblest, the most beautiful of which we are capable, is the creative impulse of every high achievement. We strive for perfection here because we long to be restored to our oneness with God.”
~Paramahansa Yogananda

Matthew 10 (NIV)

Posted in Matthew 10 NIV on August 16, 2018 by david1963
Now Matthew 10:

Matthew 10 (NIV) Jesus called His twelve disciples ((ones who PUT His teachings into practical application))to Him and gave them authority to drive out impure spirits and to heal every disease and sickness.

2 These are the names of the twelve apostles: first, Simon (who is called Peter) and his brother Andrew; James son of Zebedee, and his brother John; 3 Philip and Bartholomew; Thomas and Matthew the tax collector; James son of Alphaeus, and Thaddaeus; 4 Simon the Zealot and Judas Iscariot, who betrayed him.

5 These twelve Jesus sent out with the following instructions: “Do not go among the Gentiles or enter any town of the Samaritans. 6 Go rather to the lost sheep of Israel. ((the Israelis were the most oppressed people of His generation)) 7 As you go, proclaim this message: ‘The kingdom of heaven has come near.’ 8 Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse those who have leprosy,[a] drive out demons. Freely you have received; freely give.

9 “Do not get any gold or silver or copper to take with you in your belts— 10 no bag for the journey or extra shirt or sandals or a staff, for the worker is worth his keep. (( the Holy Spirit will provide the means, and it is not always the way we think that we should be provided for))11 Whatever town or village you enter, search there for some worthy person and stay at their house until you leave. 12 As you enter the home, give it your greeting. 13 If the home is deserving, let your peace rest on it; if it is not, let your peace return to you. 14 If anyone will not welcome you or listen to your words, leave that home or town and shake the dust off your feet. (( if they listen to MY teaching’s teach, if not walk away))15 Truly I tell you, it will be more bearable for Sodom and Gomorrah on the day of judgment than for that town.

16 “I am sending you out like sheep among wolves. Therefore be as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves. ((always call on the Holy Spirit within the Kingdom of God for advice, and what to say))17 Be on your guard; you will be handed over to the local councils and be flogged in the synagogues. 18 On my account you will be brought before governors and kings as witnesses to them and to the Gentiles. 19 But when they arrest you, do not worry about what to say or how to say it. At that time you will be given what to say, 20 for it will not be you speaking, but the Spirit of your Father speaking through you. ((the Holy Spirit speaks through His disciples in attunement with their Savior))

21 “Brother will betray brother to death, and a father his child; children will rebel against their parents and have them put to death. 22 You will be hated by everyone because of me, but the one who stands firm to the end will be saved. 23 When you are persecuted in one place, flee to another. Truly I tell you, you will not finish going through the towns of Israel before the Son of Man comes.

24 “The student is not above the teacher, nor a servant above his master. ((when you practice what Jesus Christ taught you learn how He thought. John 14:12 states you will do greater than I))25 It is enough for students to be like their teachers, and servants like their masters. If the head of the house has been called Beelzebul, how much more the members of his household!

26 “So do not be afraid of them, for there is nothing concealed that will not be disclosed, or hidden that will not be made known. 27 What I tell you in the dark, speak in the daylight; ((the Holy Spirit gives the disciples of Jesus Christ messages to deliver to the world)) what is whispered in your ear, proclaim from the roofs. 28 Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. ((do not be intimidated by the world whatsoever))Rather, be afraid of the One who can destroy both soul and body in hell. 29 Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground outside your Father’s care. ((our Heavenly Father knows everything, “past, present, and to come” as Jesus Christ His Son does)) 30 And even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. 31 So don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows. ((His disciples have Eternal Life and Know It))

32 “Whoever acknowledges me before others, I will also acknowledge before my Father in heaven. ((teaches His Eternal Life ministry))33 But whoever disowns me before others, I will disown before my Father in heaven. ((this refers to John 1:12, He makes His disciples the Children of God, not after death, but now))

34 “Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword. 35 For I have come to turn

“‘a man against his father,
    a daughter against her mother,
a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law—
36     a man’s enemies will be the members of his own household.’[c]

37 “Anyone who loves their father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; anyone who loves their son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me. 38 Whoever does not take up their cross and follow me is not worthy of me. 39 Whoever finds their life will lose it, and whoever loses their life for my sake will find it. ((we must detach from ALL our loved ones, see life as Eternal not temporary and begin to love our Heavenly Father more than EVERYONE in a body; for we are Spirit and death is not real. Luke 9:60 Jesus said to him, “Let the dead bury their own dead, but you go and proclaim the kingdom of God.” The REASON was and IS, life is not permanent. We have attempted to make the temporary, permanent without understanding that the “future” is 100 % IMAGINED! No one “knows” how long they got, they pretend they will be here “tomorrow”, and this is the REASON for the “Rich Fool” parable.))

40 “Anyone who welcomes you welcomes me, and anyone who welcomes me welcomes the one who sent me. 41 Whoever welcomes a prophet as a prophet will receive a prophet’s reward, and whoever welcomes a righteous person as a righteous person will receive a righteous person’s reward. 42 And if anyone gives even a cup of cold water to one of these little ones who is my disciple, truly I tell you, that person will certainly not lose their reward.” ((whoever helps His disciples receives Miracles of healings, and any other “perceived troubles” in their lives disappear. We need Not have “trials or tribulations” in this life, He has overcome them all))

Now the excerpt from the book, RADICAL SEEKER:
Forgiveness restores sanity by removing judgment, the precursor to fear. Fear is not real. Fear is the belief that God made death and hell, and this belief is anti Christ. Christ cannot be recognized by a mind in fear. If Love had an opposite it would be fear. However, God did not create fear so it does not exist, except in minds afraid of God.

When we are no longer afraid of What or Who created us, we see that fear was made real by the ego or “devil”, and does not exist in reality. Fear is a thought system all it’s own. With outcomes that “appear” to oppose the will of God.

Everything that you are afraid of right now is not real. The REASON it is not real is because the thing you fear is not here now, but based in a “future event happening.” The “future event”, is based on a fearful future thought has been Atoned for by Jesus Christ!  The thought is not real, surrender it, the thought to the Holy Spirit for correction and He DOES. Have Faith.

It is the thought about the fearful future event that frightens us. This produces the feeling of faithlessness’ in the mind of the disciple, and know that this need not be. Addiction for example stems from thoughts of unworthiness. This produces mental insanity. All mental insanity is fear.

Why do we continue to hold on to thoughts that frighten us? BECAUSE we were never told, so, we do not KNOW, that when Christ resurrected, He resurrected to the “Kingdom of God which is within you.” Luke 17:20-21.

Faith which is the opposite of faithlessness’ allows you to realize that the second coming of Jesus is the resurrection of Christ within the Kingdom of God. The Kingdom of God is not in our stomach, elbow or foot, it is our MIND.


This acceptance of the Atonement is the reawareness of Love. Love is the only true reality. Fear produces the belief that something is wrong, but it only appears that way to the faithless.
Faith in unconditional forgiveness (70X7) shows you that you never sinned against God, Nor could you. God “test” His creation?!? For what? He is God, He Knows at the outset, the endgame!

There is an Intelligence that is Intelligent. This Intelligence has been trying to get our attention for more than 2000 years. This Intelligence is within and without you. However, we must first recognize this Intelligence within our own conscious mind before we can begin to “understand” who we are and what our divine purpose is outside us.
It is not difficult to understand this Intelligence once you have listened to the Holy Spirit by putting into PRACTICAL APPLICATION the teachings of Jesus Christ. His teachings!!

The blind belief in the Torah was not the Sanhedrin’s downfall. Their downfall was their unwillingness to unconditionally love everything.

God is Love. His plan for the salvation of mankind must be Loving and rooted in LOVE! Every saint or prophet who has ever looked behind the “curtain of fear” has come back to testify that God our Heavenly Father has Divine Plan to prosper you in all your ways. (This was spoken of in Jeremiah 29 and Isaiah 55 just to name two.)

There is a wonderful book written by Merlin Carothers entitled Power of Praise. He teaches his readers to “praise everything” no matter how it may appear. This praise releases our judgment thus allowing perfection to be reestablished in our mind.

Resist not evil, surrender the “evil thought” to the Holy Spirit and He will transform all evil to good, and all fear to Love. No longer fear your thoughts, you are not alone. You don’t even have to believe that Jesus Christ’s Holy Spirit is within your mind, but when you do, He can help you all the more.

Ask the risen savior to reveal Himself to you and He will; And always in a way that you will recognize “His helping hand” without being afraid. He does not wish to frighten us.

Most SINCERE Christian disciples do not initially understand the conscious transformation that must take place “within” for them to see Jesus!
To “see Jesus” means that you believe He resurrected to the Kingdom of God within you. It also means that you accept His second coming.
As you read these words be very honest with yourself.
If Jesus Christ was to knock on your front door would you recognize Him? If you looked out and recognized that it was in fact your savior come to “take you home”, could you even answer the door? Would you have to call someone to say goodbye? OR could you just up and leave everyone and everything behind?

These questions are not answerable to those of us not prepared to enter into the kingdom of heaven, now. We must prepare our minds for what we cannot see and do not understand. This only sounds complicated to those among us not prepared to renounce “hell for heaven.”

Heaven is the awareness of Eternal Life. Heaven is not obtained by a breaking through to another side or in death. It is obtained by a stilled mind first certain Jesus Christ resurrected, and then INTENT on it’s Realization. Heaven is the awareness of perfect oneness without the interruption of fear and judgment. Heaven is the absence of fear. Hell is transformed to heaven when the belief in fear has been removed from our consciousness by the Holy Spirit.

Our job in the Atonement process is ultimately, to come to the awareness of total God dependency. God dependency comes through faith that you are being heard. To be heard or taught by a “Master”, you MUST DO what the Master advocates, and in this case Master Jesus Christ is Advocating His disciples to Love everyone at all cost. He gave us the greatest example of this “love at all cost” and He is asking His disciples to do the same, under Far Less acute or severe circumstances.

And He TELLS US our reward for unconditional forgiveness which is Love, will be both the Vision and the Experience of the Kingdom of Heaven.
Not after a physical death, but now.

“The Kingdom of Heaven is At Hand!”

~ Jesus Christ over 2000 years ago ~

Kingdom of Heaven

Posted in addiction, anxiety, devil, dream, dreaming, Ego, enlightenment, fear, finder, forgiveness, Hope, Jesus on August 8, 2018 by david1963

We need no method for the entrance into the Kingdom of Heaven because we never left.

Religious texts called “holy” in this world are nothing more or less than guideposts to the destination implied. The expression of love the holy texts imply is only manifested by the reader who is willing to apply the teachings.

For example the early Christian’s would never take up arms against their enemies. They put into PRACTICAL APPLICATION the NONVIOLENT TEACHINGS of Jesus Christ. They would see the Christian’s of today as greatly deceived by their willingness to go to war and send others to kill their enemies.

Nonviolence is the only way to world peace. Jesus Christ taught it, and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Proved it to be true. The NONVIOLENT are not naïve, far from it. The nonviolent are God dependent for protection through understanding that Jesus Christ RESURRECTED to the Kingdom of God, the Mind of God.

Jesus Christ TOLD the Sanhedrin that their holy book had served its purpose. That they no longer needed to lug a book around for fear God would strike them dead. He TOLD them that the Kingdom of God was not found after death OR in the Torah, but that God was in fact within them. Jesus Christ could not honor mans Sabbath. He came to prove the Sabbath a farce, that EVERYDAY Is the “Sabbath.”

How long you got? The rich-fool “thought” he had one more day to play in this hell. This hell is not your reality nor your “home”, though you believe that it is.
Turn over everything that you desire to Jesus Christ and He will make certain that you receive the desires of your heart.

Be patient with the Holy Spirit within the Kingdom of God. He knows the Way Home, you do not. Listen to His Guidance. He must become more and more real to you. This awareness of the Holy Spirit is obtained through what you See He does “for you.”

ALL YOUR PROBLEMS ARE PAST! The awareness of this is the acceptance of the Atonement for yourself.

In closing, no longer be deceived by the blind belief in “tomorrow” or “yesterday”, today is all that matters, today is all there Is.
GET THIS: The “future” is 100%IMAGINED!! You are Sprit asleep dreaming a dream of attachment to money for salvation. (a “sleep fell on Adam”, never does the Torah tell us he “woke-up”)
Allow the Holy Spirit to sanctify your future through a Sanctified imagination and nothing will be wanting.
A “Sanctified Imagination” is obtained through Unconditional Love. Unconditional Love is obtained through peace of mind. Peace of mind is the condition of heaven brought about by Unconditional Forgiveness of “your perceived enemies.”

Ps. (book) RADICAL SEEKER ~uncover hidden truths – eliminate needless suffering ~ Soon to be published.